Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hard, Hard News

Just about seven months after we first saw that sweet face on Holt's Waiting Child Program photolisting, then inquired, waited, pursued, waited, fell deeply in love, and waited some more--  this afternoon we got The Call that we'd been waiting for.  It could have gone one of two ways and it went the way we'd been hoping and praying it wouldn't.  This is not a house of celebration tonight.  We are mourning and grieving, both for our own loss of the little girl that could have been our daughter, and for this sweet little one who doesn't even know that there is a family who loves her so much, and will grow up in an orphanage unless someone else comes forward to adopt her.

We're not looking ahead to the next step just yet, right now we're just being sad and grieving what feels like a loss even though she wasn't really ours to begin with.  We trust God and know that He has a plan for us, that He will lead us to the child that He intends for us to adopt, and that He loves Chloe so much more than we could ever imagine loving her.  We will pray her home to her family.

Chloe, waiting for her family.